How To Scrape eBay Product Data using Python & LXML?
2 min readFeb 18, 2021
Here, we have given the name to script In case, you insert script name command or terminal prompt having a- h
usage: [-h] brand-h, --help show this help message and exitA brand represents what is accessible by eBay. So, you may type brand eBay currently on-site like - Canon, Dell, Samsung, etc. This Script should run with a row for Brand. For example, if you need to discover all the Apple products on the eBay then we can route the scraper in this way.Python 3 appleThis article helps you to extract the product data like price, name, as well as URL from the first result page, so the CSV file is enough to fix the data. In case, you like to scrape information in huge amounts, then the JSON file will be more suitable. You may read nearly for choosing data format, you just need to be assured.It will help you to create the file name apple-eBay-scraped-data.csv this will remain in the similar binder like the script. Just go through some data scraped of eBay in the CSV file for a given command.

You can easily download the code at
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